🖨️FTP Moodle video intagration plugin

Step-by-step guide on integrating your server for enhanced Moodle eLearning experiences.

Unlock the full potential of your Moodle Learning Management System (LMS) with our step-by-step guide on integrating your video server FTP for enhanced eLearning experiences.

Our plugin integrates your Moodle system with your Server using FTP, creating dedicated video pages for each course.

To get started, follow these simple steps:

  1. After installing our Video Server to Moodle plugin, go to Moodle site administration to FTP settings.

  2. On the settings page, add your server IP, FTP user name, and password and save your changes.

  1. In your course settings add course ID number and save.

  2. At course "more" options you will find the FTP video page. Click on it to get to the course video page.

  1. On the course video page, upload your videos for the course. the videos will be saved in your server under [Domain_Name/local/ftpvideos/videos/course_ID]. Once the video has been uploaded you will get a success note.

  2. Refresh the page to see your video.

Last updated